Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation/Tincture


Ingesting your placenta can have the following positive effects:

  • Decrease in the likelihood of baby blues and post natal depression

  • Decrease in postpartum pain

  • Decrease likelihood of insomnia

  • Balances moods & hormones

  • Increases energy

  • Increases iron

  • Increases mother-infant bonding

  • Reduces postpartum hemorrhage (heavy bleeding)

  • Replenishes mother’s nutrients

The placenta plays an enormous role during your pregnancy to ensure your baby has the nutrients needed to grow and thrive in the womb.

We use the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach to encapsulate all placentas, unless the raw method is requested. The TCM method requires steaming the placenta with herbs, dehydrating it at a low temperature, grinding it into fine powder and placing the powder into capsules. We offer flavored and unflavored capsules. A placenta tincture and/or placenta print can be done at your request.

Placenta Add-On Services

  • Placenta Print

    Prints can be done with or without color & cost $60 as an add - on.

  • Placenta Tincture

    A placenta tincture is made from a piece of the client’s raw placenta after birth, steeping in alcohol making a potent remedy over 6 weeks.  The placenta tincture is used to boost emotional, mental and psychological stability at 6 weeks postpartum and beyond. Tinctures cost $50 as an add on only.

  • Placenta Salve

    Made with Calendula, Lavender, Olive or Sunflower Oil, Beeswax & Placenta Powder. A salve costs $25 as an add on only.

  • Umbilical Cord Keepsake

    Umbilical Cord Keepsake

    Why not make a keepsake out of your cord? This is included with every encapsulation & can be booked without encapsulation.